
Showing 25 - 48 of 66 Products
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Most people will love it or hate it, but coriander is sure to spice up...

Delicious Sweet Corn from Camden, just outside of Sydney.  

Delicious Sweet Corn from Camden, just outside of Sydney.  

Cucumbers, Lebanese Individual
Lebanese cucumbers are nearly seedless and shorter in length than other varieties.. These cucumbers are mild,...

Cucumbers, Lebanese.
Lebanese.Cucumbers are nearly seedless and shorter in length than other varieties. These cucumbers are mild, slender,...

Cucumbers, Telegraph
Telegraph or continental cucumbers are the longest and thinnest of the cucumbers and have a slight 'hook' at one end....

From pasta to parmigiana, salads to stir-fries, eggplant is an all-rounder that deserves a regular...

Gai Lan (Chinese Broccoli)
Gai Lan is a leafy Asian green that is delicious stir-fried with garlic, ginger and...

Kale, Green
As one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, there's a reason your neighbour keeps...

Kale, Tuscan
Tuscan kale, also known as Lacinato kale or black cabbage, is a type of kale...

Kohlrabi tastes a little like a cross between broccoli and cabbage and can be eaten...

Leeks are a popular ingredient providing a mild onion like flavour to many soup, stew...

Lettuce, Baby Cos
Baby cos lettuce has crisp, narrow leaves and is sweeter than regular cos lettuce. A...

Lettuce, Iceberg
Iceberg lettuce has a neutral taste and refreshing crunch, making it a favorite among children...

Mixed Leaves
The traditional mix of loose lettuce leaves includes chervil, arugula, leafy lettuces and endive, but might...

Mushrooms, Field
Field Mushrooms are also known as the common mushroom. They can come in a larger...

Onion, French Eschalots
Unlike regular onions, eschalots grow in clusters. The golden brown bulbs are smaller and the...

Onions, Brown
The brown onion or yellow onion is a variety of dry onion with a strong...

Onions, Red
Red onions tend to be medium to large in size and have a mild to sweet...

Also known as ‘white carrots’ parsnips have a sweet, nutty flavour and fine grained flesh. 

Potato, Dutch Cream
Grown in Kangaroo Valley NSW The queen of potatoes!  There a large waxy oval potato...

Potatoes, Kestrel
Kestrels are best known for their unique purple blush. Perfect for mashing, roasting, boiling and...

Potatoes, Royal Blue
Royal Blues are an oval-shaped all-rounder with purple skin and yellow flesh that makes wonderful...

Potatoes, Sebago
Sebago potatoes are considered the all-purpose potato and are the most widely used variety. They...