Fruit & Veg

Showing 25 - 48 of 88 Products
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Most people will love it or hate it, but coriander is sure to spice up...

Bok Choy
Bok choy is a leafy Asian green that is delicious stir-fried with garlic, ginger and...
$3.99 $3.49

From pasta to parmigiana, salads to stir-fries, eggplant is an all-rounder that deserves a regular...

Potato, Dutch Cream
Grown in Kangaroo Valley NSW The queen of potatoes!  There a large waxy oval potato...

Mixed Leaves
The traditional mix of loose lettuce leaves includes chervil, arugula, leafy lettuces and endive, but might...

Leeks are a popular ingredient providing a mild onion like flavour to many soup, stew...

Pumpkin, Butternut
Butternut Pumpkins have a sweet, nutty taste similar to that of a pumpkin. It has tan-yellow skin...

Rocket or Arugula is an edible annual plant used as a leaf vegetable for its...

Potatoes, Sebago
Sebago potatoes are considered the all-purpose potato and are the most widely used variety. They...

Lime is from the citrus family and are a rich source of vitamin C. They are...

Kale, Green
As one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, there's a reason your neighbour keeps...

Beetroot, Red
The deep purple roots of beetroot are eaten boiled, roasted or raw, and either alone...

Rockmelon has about 30 times more beta-carotene than oranges, even though it's paler in colour. Beta-carotene...

Pumpkin, Kent/Japanese
The green/grey skin of the Kent - or Japanese - Pumpkin is mottled yellow and...

Brussel Sprouts
Enjoy the nutty, earthy flavour of Brussel Sprouts! These fresh sprouts are full of nutrients...

Cabbage, Red
While both red and green cabbage are good for you, red cabbage packs a more...

Grapes, Red
Ranging in colour from a pale pink, to dark red, with a crisp skin for...

Baby Fennel
Fennel is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It is a hardy, perennial veg that...

Lettuce, Baby Cos
Baby cos lettuce has crisp, narrow leaves and is sweeter than regular cos lettuce. A...

Apples, Fuji
Grown in our orchard in Batlow, NSW. The Fuji is a versatile apple great for for juice, sauce,...

The Pineapple is a tropical plant with an edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries. Characterised...

Lettuce, Iceberg
Iceberg lettuce has a neutral taste and refreshing crunch, making it a favorite among children...

Kale, Tuscan
Tuscan kale, also known as Lacinato kale or black cabbage, is a type of kale...

Potatoes, Royal Blue
Royal Blues are an oval-shaped all-rounder with purple skin and yellow flesh that makes wonderful...